Eric Young vs. Tye Dillinger.
My guess is Eric Young wins, setting up either Tye joining the SAniTy stable (however they spell it) or a Perfect 10 comeback.
Tye could use a "W" though. We'll see.
Excellent high energy match between Young and Dillinger thus far.
NXT bringing it, as always.

The "yell 10 for everything" thing is awesome when it's being done for Tye Dillinger.
Problem is audiences have been doing it for everyone lately. Then it's not awesome.

I'm 1 for 1. Eric Young gets the win.
Guess we can call it an ongoing feud then. Hope Tye ends up coming out solid (not buried) by the end of it.

Samoa Joe in the front row.
He's almost certainly going to be in the Royal Rumble tomorrow. Gotta be.

Andrade Almas vs. Roderick Strong.
I'm guessing Andrade takes it. Seems like the push for him is stronger. Roderick seems to be just there at the moment.

See? They're doing the "10" thing but not for Tye Dillinger.
Stop it. Bad audience.

1 for 2. Roderick Strong gets the win.

Yay for Royal Rumble clip shows.

Authors of Pain vs. #DIY.
Not an easy call. But I think Authors of Pain take it. Their push has been insanely good.
Swear to fuckin' God if Raw ruins them.....
Really cool masks on Authors of Pain as they enter.

DIY with the early momentum.
Crowd definitely loves them.

Authors of Pain return the domination, to chants of "Johnny Wrestling".
Well I guess they're screwed. Everyone knows the WWE loves to book crowd favorites as the winners.

2 for 3. Authors of Pain take it.
Crowd reaction aside, it's a good call. These guys will be monsters if they're booked right.

Heh. A WWE puzzle game.
Complete with somewhat creepy "too soon" Macho Man CGI dude.
....And yet I want to download it.

Holy shit!! Seth Freakin' Rollins shows up to NXT to call out Triple H.
Genius. Pure Genius.

Crowd wants more Rollins. "We want Rollins!" chants.

Women's Fatal Four Way match.
I think Asuka retains.
Filler match to make all four women look credible while they figure out who is Asuka's successor (and what the plan is for Asuka on the main roster).

Wow. 301 days as champion for Asuka.
Seems about right. It was awesome being there the night she won the belt.

Billie Kay and Peyton Royce (affectionately known as The Weird Music Chicks) pull a Kevin Owens to start the match. #LeaveTheRing
Dude, ref totally almost just did a boob grab on Nikki Cross. #GettingFresh

Royce and Kay double suplex Nikki Cross into a table.
I was totally not distracted by them bending over. #Swearsies

Widow's Peak is a pretty cool move. A back-facing-back drop to the mat.
Can't say I've seen anything like it.

Asuka retains as expected. 3 out of 4 for me.
Shorter match than I figured it'd be. But yeah, it was just a filler.

Was that Golddust as Gold Colonel Sanders just now?

So apparently Billy Zane is the Golden Colonel Sanders.
Okay then.

The big one: Bobby Roode vs. Shinsuke Nakamura.
I think Roode takes it. And they feud for awhile, bringing Shinsuke to a 3-time NXT Champion.
Doesn't sound like they're ready to bring him up to the main roster yet.
Was about to say Bobby Roode's entrance chicks weren't doing anything at all, but they're an entourage.
...Still. Lazy girls. Last time Bobby had a choir. They sang.

Wow, holy strobe lights Batman!
Hope no one's an epileptic. #SeizureShinsuke

Win or lose tonight, Shinsuke Nakamura remains pure awesome.

"This is glorious!" chant.
Good chant, audience, good chant.

Seems pretty 50/50 on "Bobby Roode" vs "Nakamura" chants.
Good on Bobby. That's called getting over.

There are kicks. Then there are Nakamura kicks.

Roode went for the play dead cover. Didn't work.
Gonna be an epic finish however this goes.

Roode tries to win with the leg on a rope cover trick. THAT doesn't work.
Such teases. #ItsRealToMe

Shinsuke with a knee strike. Hurts himself too.
Are we getting a countout?
Nakamura hits Roode with his finisher. But he can't cover Bobby due to his knee.

Prolonged delay due to Nakamura's injury. Trainers out. Shades of Bleeding Joe at Dallas.
Ok, I thought Bobby had him there with that finisher. With Nakamura coming back in ill-advisedly.
Nope. #StillGoing
Bobby goes for the submission. Nakamura gets out of it.
....But then Bobby finally finishes it off with one last slam to the mat.
4 for 5 on the night.
This is going to be a great feud between Shinsuke and Roode, if Nakamura is not going up to the main roster. #HeWillBeBack

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