There will be BaaaaRRRRRRROCK!!! LESNAR!!!! In this building tonight.

Starts with Roman Reigns.
Voted the Most Hated Wrestler of 2016.
Can't imagine why.

Paul Heyman should get his own theme song sometime.
For when he's not BaaaROOOCK Lesnaring.

Don't have Heyman be afraid of Roman.
That be lame and shit.

That U.S. Title looks pretty good on Chris Jericho.

Seth Rollins kinda looks like Scott Stapp.
Scott Stapp kinda looks like Scott Stapp thinks Scott Stapp is Jesus Christ.

Estrogen blockers or not, it's still always a big deal when Brock makes an entrance.
The man is still a legit badass.

GREAT stare down between Sami Zayn and Lesnar.
Yeah Sami ate a suplex, but it made him look fearless again.

Good setup for the Rumble. Figured they'd make us wait the whole episode for Brock's appearance like usual.
Brock Lesnar does what Brock Lesnar wants to do.
And Brock Lesnar wants to go to bed earlier.

Hey, Enzo's walking again.
No more cheating in the Disneyland ride lines.

One of the announcer guys says Rusev is just defending the honor of Lana from that "disgusting degenerate" Enzo Amore.
...Didn't Roman insult her honor too?
Just sayin'. #RussiansHackedTheAnnouncers

Cass and Enzo get the win against Rusev and Jinder Mahal.
So, they don't need to have a Pay-Per-View match now?
WWE still can't seem to figure out what they want out of this feud.

So I am actually hyped for the "I Forfeit" match between Jack Gallagher and Ariya Daivari.
But I was hyped for it after last week's 205 Live episode.
Wouldn't be a WWE push without hitting the audience over the head with it though.

Hey it's the Verizon Arena.
Don't you guys know the Stubhub Center is the place to be? The Los Angeles Chargers play there. #TotallyOverIt #NotMadAtAll #EverythingIsFine

Holy fucking shit.
I just got the "Remember the Rumble" thing.
Cuz it's at the Alamodome, so it's like "Remember the Alamo".
Shut up.

Be interesting to see if WWE has any more plans for Pete Dunn and Tyler Bate. Will definitely check out their matches from the UK Tournament.

Hmm. This is a first. (Or at least the first I've seen it.) Nia Jax attacks Sasha while she's in a "training session".
I miss Nia's purple outfit from NXT btw. Don't know why they switched her to green.

Anderson and Gallows' music starts off cool.
But then the rest of it goes...meh.
They retooled Samoa Joe's music. Why not for Anderson and Gallows?

Heh. WWE teases a Gallows and Anderson title win against Sheamus and Cesaro, but then undoes it via a DQ.
Well, sounds like they're officially on a build-up to a title run.
So how 'bout a new theme song?

Did Sami just call Roman "Mr. Clean"?

Rich Swann and Neville beat the hell out of each other.
Tony Nese and Neville then fight each other to get to beat up the downed Swann.
There's only one way to settle all this.

Neville listening to more Linkin Park backstage and talking about all the stupid conformists.

Okay, Big E straight up dumping hoards of Booty O's on audience members was awesome. Lolz.

Titus O'Neil is gonna start selling timeshares with The Shining Stars, isn't he?

Pretty dead on promo from Charlotte while delving into young Bailey's history.
Fans do connect with the babyfaces because they see themselves in them.
Good promo, legit. Might be the first one I've liked from heel Charlotte.

In case anyone is curious, I see a hell of a lot of myself in Dean Ambrose.
Exudes blue collar, people think he's out there, usually just does his own thing come what may.
Stuff's there. I like the guy.

Team Jericho, Braun and KO's group talk went about as well as Team Sami, Roman and Rollins' did.
Except no one got called Mr. Clean.

Is Brian Kendrick's flag supposed to mean he's The Heartbreak Skeleton?

205 Live is the Alicia Fucks It Up Again Show.

So of course I make that joke, and then Alexander wins despite Alicia Fox trying to "help" him.
She'll fuck it up for him again, I'm sure. She'll pull a Chargers. #YepIAmStillFine

Good promo from Nia.
Come to think of it, she hasn't gotten to talk too much over time. Maybe if she gets more chances to do so the audience will dig her more.

Alicia Fox is loving playing the crazy. Flat chewing up the scenery around her at this point.

Kurt Angle announced for the Hall of Fame.
Fantastic choice. I can't wait to figure out how to watch his pending rubber match against Cody Rhodes in the cage on March 3rd for Northeast Wrestling.

Pretty cool Main Event between these six guys.
I mean, there are no Royal Rumble implications for this match at all. But they're laying each other out.

*sigh* Well, awesome match, ended just after the "this is awesome!" chant started.
But of course Sami then eats the pinfall again from Strauman to end it
Would have preferred a simple DQ.

Although this final melee where Rollins and Reigns rescued Sami from Strauman was cool.
Now we're whack a mole-ing with chairs.
Heh. The announcers left the table and have stayed gone too. Now Owens tableslams Reigns
Cool ending. #ChangedMyMind

The "silence from the announce table" trick is a cool effect when done in the right situation. Last time it happened was during Battleground 2015 for Undertaker's surprise return against Lesnar.
Makes you feel like you're there since you don't hear them talk when you're there.
Good Raw. Great hype build for The Rumble.

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