So. Undertaker.
I don't think Taker vs. Reigns is the retirement match anybody wanted, but it's looking more and more like it's the one we're gonna get.
If Taker's cool with that being the end, then that's what it's gonna be.

It PAINS me if WWE is not going to use a Reigns victory over Undertaker (a retirement one to boot) to put Roman on a monster heel run.
But they're just gonna do what they're gonna do.
I never want to see Undertaker leave for good. But his health comes first. He can walk away however and whenever he wants to.
So if now needs to be the time, I'm so happy my wife and I got to see him live. #DeadmanIntoTheSunset

.....Lotta signaling there that Nia might walk out the champ on Sunday. Interesting.
I'm thinking Sasha wins. But glad to see Nia still relevant.

Hey it's Stephanie McMahon, second-most hated woman alive.
....Casey Anthony had to work for it to beat her out.

I don't know if I'm ever going to be able to not say Alicia Fox's name the Noam Dar way.
"Alicia Fooooooooooohcks!"

Great booking with Neville vs. Austin Aries. I figured we'd get some vanilla Cruiserweight Ladder Match. Instead Aries comes back, and I'm hyped for this match.

Speaking of matches that I'm hyped for....

Fantastic promo for Rollins and Triple H. Their match is going to be a classic.
The Big Show wrestles a bunch of guys you see once in three months. #TheBigJobberKiller
Braun Strowman promos himself for the Andre the Giant thing.
...He's not coming to save us from Roman beating Undertaker, is he?

.....And the stadium starts booing.
Can't imagine why.

Gah. That's some superplex Jack Gallagher took from Neville off the turnpost.
The comedic guys never get enough credit for the bumps they take.

John Cena hosted The Today Show and stuff.
That's important.

"Please welcome...Roman....Reigns!"
Oh they will. They always do.

There are some gals in the front row who make little secret of how they view Roman.

Son of a bitch. Last time they had Undertaker gesture at a grave with someone's name on it, it was Brock Lesnar's.......
Ok, that was great. Sheamus and Cesaro mowed down Anderson and Gallows with a ladder.

Kinda weird to spontaneously roll with this "end Sami Zayn's career" angle.
...We all know that's NOT going to happen.
With Dolph Ziggler, him walking way was a rumored possibility. So his "title vs. career" match last year against Miz made sense.
I mean, yeah, ok, it's all more of "bitch Stephanie throws her weight around".
We've seen that movie.
We never STOP seeing that movie.
Chris Jericho is back, with his electric jacket.
He ends this WWE run as a babyface. But what a great heel run it was. #Y2J

That was a great squash match surprise they managed at Survivor Series wth the Lesnar-Goldberg feud.
It kinda feels anticlimactic now that it's almost certain how Sunday is going to end (Lesnar winning). But hopefully Bill can go out with a good match.

Heyman mentions Sting's failure to win a belt in WWE.
Well, you know, Sting just had to put over Triple H at Wrestlemania.

To be fair, I loved the whole angle leading up to Sting vs. Triple H at Wrestlemania 31, with Sting constantly ruining things for Trips.
....But man. They coulda had either Sting get a belt, or wrestle Taker. Coulda done it.
But they didn't.
Missed it by that much.
The "Bring the Wrestlemania to Philly Fight" was a quick spear from Goldberg to Lesnar.
Bring on the Ultimate Thrill Ride. Sorta.
It'll be good. The go-home Raws before Wrestlemanias have yet to really do it for me in the time I've been watching anyway.

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